More than just a camp...


Monday, April 25, 2011

ADFC Day Camp Re-Cap

There are people in this world that do not understand the appeal of football. They question the physical nature of the game and wonder why so many cherish it so much.
To anyone who loves the game — whether they play or enjoy just watching — the answer is obvious; there is a passion involved in football that is hard to ignore.
These days, that passion can be lost amongst the greed and pride to which the NFL often falls victim. Even college football sometimes fails to focus on the right things. But when it all boils down, no one can deny the passion, desire, and drive in a football player’s eyes when the game is on the line.
Finding football in its purest form is something to treasure. At ADFC’s
Day Camp, the spectators were treated to just that.
The level of talent was stellar, and the love of the game was obvious. It was one of those days that renew your faith in football at a time when the professionals make you doubt.
High school football is something many football lovers lose sight of. Sunday offered another reason why they never should. We watched young quarterbacks complete passes 40-yards down-field, defenses perfect the Cover 2 and the Cover 3, receivers make incredible catches. But most of all, we saw football players from all over the state come together to get better at a game they all love.
There is much to learn from the different styles and abilities that gather on the field, especially for those that plan to continue their career in college. The determination to hone skills and devour game knowledge makes the difference.
On Sunday, the level of focus on the field was commendable. Drill after drill, players worked for perfection. If a release was not quite right the first time, the quarterback stepped up again and again until it was exact. Receivers ran routes over and over until they were in the right place at the right time. The defense repeated getting to their drops, trying to confuse the opposing quarterbacks all the while.
That is what the game is all about. That is how you become the player that makes the difference in the championship game. Practice until it is instinct, and fall more in love with the game each step of the way.
No matter where someone falls on the depth chart or what their level, the same basic elements bring them to that sideline: passion.  It is that passion that drives them to go above and beyond in pursuit of goals only a small fraction will ever reach.

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